
When looking for a factory to make your product, you have a lot of options. Few of them are any good.

You can find a manufacturer through an online directory. But how do you know they’re qualified and reputable? So you work with a sourcing agent. But do you know if they’re connecting you with the best factory and negotiating the best price? Are they transparent about their markup and fees? Can you tell if they’re truly working for you and not the factories? These options put you at an immediate disadvantage and make you come off as an amateur.

To work with the best factories and get fair pricing, You need a partner that works for you, and only bids your project out to trusted factories. Our strategic sourcing not only makes the process infinitely easier, it grants you the leverage of a more established producer.

Sometimes a factory’s location is just as important as its capabilities. Each country has its own manufacturing and transportation infrastructure, skilled workforce, and international trade policies to consider. In building our factory network, we took advantage of the strengths of each region, while mitigating the risk posed by trade wars. That lets us keep your sourcing strategy nimble and dependable.

Contact us. We understand how to create a business from home ,part time of just getting out there, is a greater priority for us to help others  achieve  their own dreams.